I’m a Ph.D candidate in philosophy at Université de Montréal, Canada. My work is currently centered around the areas of moral phenomenology and philosophy of perception within the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Edmund Husserl. More specifically, I draw from their work an emphasis on the phenomenon of moral orientation and the possibility of having pre-perceptual moral judgements. I aim to adopt a critical approach to these experiences in order to also account for themes of intersubjectivity, temporality, and trauma in them. I also work in the areas of philosophy of love and philosophy of trauma.

I received my Master’s degree in philosophy from Concordia University in 2022. My research project was on the interpretation of heroism within Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception and how his writings on this topic can lead to explaining a modern form of spontaneous heroism in society. You can read about it here. Before then, I did my Bachelor’s degree at Concordia with a double major in philosophy and English literature.

My work in philosophy and poetry has been published in various journals located in Canada and in the UK, such as Oxford Public Philosophy, The Initial Journal, and The SoPhiA Review. I have also presented at many conferences in Canada as well as in the U.S.

I’m also part-time Philosophy Teacher at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), as part of their CEGEP curriculum, this Fall 2024 term.

You can read my CV here. You can also follow me on Academia.edu and PhilPeople! Feel free to send me an email at emmanuel.cuisinier[at]umontreal[dot]ca.